Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 2:07 PM
Site: University
Course: University ( University)
Glossary: Defining Religion
Jehovah (Yahweh)the proper name of the Triune God, signifying his steadfast love (Exodus 34:5-7). This name was so sacred to the people of Israel that they would not pronounce it. Instead they substituted the LORD whenever they read it in the Old Testament. Our English translations also usually translate this Hebrew word as the LORD. |
JustificationGod's act of declaring sinners not guilty or forgiven. God declares us not guilty because he declared Jesus guilty in our place. |
Justifya courtroom term meaning to declare innocent or not guilty. When Jesus died and rose again God justified the world. He declared the whole world not guilty. He forgave all the sins of all people of all time. |